Ođđa CD / Ny CD / New CD
Mihkkala Joavnna Johan Mihkkala John André - John André Eira
Almohuvvo / Kommer / coming: 31 of October and release at John André home
John André Eira is 22 years old and from Maze. Here we meet a young yoiker who master the traditional style to the full. This release is a pure á capella yoiking CD. He is a talent within traditional Sami music and the first in Sami history with his own CD release in this age group. John André is in spite of his young age to be considered as one of the foremost talents and practitioners of traditional Sami music in Northern Sami style. On this CD he performs yoiking of six generations of persons yoiks and the oldest dating back to 1800.
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Ođđa CD / Ny CD / New CD
Almohuvvo / Kommer / coming: 08 of March.
Máreha Lásse Lars Heaika / Lars Henrik Blind. “ Luđiin náhkkui”
Lars Henrik is from Karesuando in Sweden, where he grew up in a family of reindeer herders. He is sixty years old now and he has been in reindeer herding all his life. He also inherited the yoigan, the traditional Sami chanting and has trained and developed this skill since he was a child.
Release and performing : Västerbottens museum 08.03.2014 - 13:00 Umeå/Sweden
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Ođđa CD / Ny CD / New CD SACD 5.1 surround and stereo.
Almohuvvo / Kommer / coming: 01 of November.
Johan Sara jr. - Voi_Ice In Cube
The last part of the music concept trilogy is now complete. With this trilogy concept composer and musician Johan Sara jr. has tried to create a picture of how yoik started. A sort of documentation on how the Sami music yoik wandered, survived and developed until today.Questions that have been asked are-where did yoik start, where did the different melodies start and what was the origin of the tones? Was it from the sounds of nature?
Download press release (English - PDF)
Download press release (Sámi - PDF)
Download press release (Norwegian - PDF)
Edvard-pris til Johan Sara Jr.
Johan Sara jr mottok TONOs Edvard-pris under Ultimafestivalen fredag 9. september. Sara fikk prisen for albumet Transmission – Rievdadus i åpen klasse.

Oslo Contemporary Music Festival
Riksscenen 9.september 2011 kl. 22:00
Mestermøte mellom legendariske nomadesangere: Ole Larsen Gaino fra Kautokeino, Norge, og Abu Darwish fra al Jaafra, Aswan.

Johan Sara Jr - Roskilde Festival
Selv om den samiske sangform joik er en af Europas ældste former for folkemusik, er den stadig i overvejende grad forbeholdt samerne. Det vil Johan Sara Jr., der selv er født og opvokset blandt rensdyr-hyrder og shamaner på de nordskandinaviske tundraer, lave om på.
Den norske musiker tilfører den traditionelle sangform elementer fra både electronica og jazz og skaber dermed en hypnotiserende og organisk hybrid af tradition og nye tanker.
Vi er stolte over at kunne præsentere en så unik og visionær musiker, der respektfuldt navigerer mellem sit folks fortid og fremtid.