DATCD-55   TRANSMISSION - RIEVDADUS - Johan Sara jr. & group  2010

This CD, Transmission, is number two in an auditory trilogy, it is a continuation of the first part of the trilogy; Ludiin Muitalan (Telling with Yoik) DATCD-48 with Ole Larsen Gaino. The first part was made to honour yoik and its origin, while this CD is a tribute to Nature.
   "I have lived through the different seasons in the arctic nature and I have become aware of the sounds of nature. Each season has its own shade of sound, every animal has a different tune and every bird has a distinct song. And the silence of -40 degrees is striking. These sounds were my friends while growing up, and still are today. I surround myself with these sounds and I wanted to transmit them into music, and that has become manifest in this CD." (Johan Sara jr.)
   The CD can be described as ambient electro acoustic contemporary music in five parts, built up and connected to the seasons of the year.

 1   Beaskádasjienat / Sound of Beaskadas
 2   Vuolggán juostá / Somewhere I start
 3   Guvttiin soppiin / Two sticks
 4   Bohcco guolga / Colour of Reindeers
 5   Muohtacalbmi / Snowflake


Johan Sara jr. med sin nye CD transmission går nye veier. I denne produksjonen har han samlet natur lyder i over 10 år fra Finnmark.
Såkalte arktiske lyder fra ulike årstider. Disse lydene har han satt sammen og mikset til ulike musikalske kompositoriske deler. Dette er ambient/elektroakustisk musikk, stilart kategorisert innenfor begrepet samtidsmusikk. Platen inneholder 5 satser organisk satt sammen i forhold til årstidene. Her kombineres naturlyder og vokale stemmer, stemmene strekkes langt og tilpasses den akustiske atmosfæren, der finnes også deler av tendenser til joik, men hovedformålet har vært å overføre naturlydene til vokale utrykk/lyder derav transmission som også kan bety overføring fra natur til elektronisk og vice versa. Dette har blitt en unik CD, en opplevelse av arktiske lyder. Deler av produksjonen har vært fremført ved ulike evenementer med stort hell. Artisten selv ser frem til å fremføre verket live i fremtiden. CDen er nummer 2 i en trilogi der den tredje CD kommer til å inneholde vokale stemmer og joik av eksperimentell karakter. CDen har et budskap som er tatt fra samisk kultur og ideologisk tankegang og fremstår som et viktig budskap i nåtiden i
forhold til den moderne verden.
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This CD, Transmission, is number two in an auditory trilogy, it is a continuation of the first part of the trilogy; Ludiin Muitalan (Telling with Yoik) DATCD48 with Ole Larsen Gaino. The first part was made to honour yoik and its origin, while this CD is a tribute to Nature.....
When, I as a young reindeer herder, followed the reindeer herd through the seasons, I could not help, but become aware of the sounds of
nature. Each season has its own shade of sound, every animal has a different tune and every bird has a distinct song. And the silence of
- 40 degrees is striking. Everything plays a part in the ecological balance and biological rhythm. These sounds were my friends while
growing up, and still are today. This is an important part of the world I live in. I surround myself with these sounds every day and I wanted to do something more with them one day. That has become manifest in this CD.....
My frame of reference comes from the Sami way of thinking, our culture and traditions, our ideology. There is a transmission of energy from
nature to man, a synergy between human beings and nature.....
For thousands of years the Samis have lived from what nature gives, and still do so today. Even though the world has progressed in modern
society and its like, nature will always make a progress of its own, and will show its true face regardless of what people do. Can you see
clearly your surroundings and hear the sounds therein? Do you notice the world; can you hear and feel how it exists? If you can hear the
sounds I have mentioned, if you can bring them with you into the future, they can be a reminder of your origins.....
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Transmission – Rievdadus lea nubbi CD auditiiva triologiija ráiddus ja lea joatkka Lásse Ovllá Luđiin Muitalan CD:i (DATCD48). Dát CD rámida luonddu ja Luđiin muitalan CD fas gudnijahtii luođi ja dan duogáža.....
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Go nuorra boazovázzin čuvodin bohccuid birra jagi de dovddiidin luonddu jienaide. Juohke áigodagas lea iežas ivdni ja šuokŋa, juohke eallis sierra jietna ja juohke lottis su lávlla. Ja go lea 40 buolašgráda de lea duođaid jaskat. Visot dáin lea sin iežas mearkkašupmi ekologalaš dássálasvuhtii ja biologalaš mannui. Dát jienat leamaš álo mu ustibat go rávásmuvven, ja leat ain otne. Leat oassin eallimis man ealán. Dát jienat leat mu birra juohke beaivvi ja háliidin soames beaivvi dahkat daiguin juoga, ja dál lean daid darvehan dán CD:i.....
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Mu oainnut leat vuolggahuvvon sámi jurddašanvuogis, kultuvrras ja árbevieruin. Luondu fievrrida vuoimmi, ja addá fámu, obmuide.....
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Duhát jagiid mielde leat sámit eallán das man oččot luonddus ja dahket nu ain otnege. Ja luondu čájeha duohta ámadajus ja rievdá iežas lágaid mielde beroškeahttá olbmodahkkon ovdáneamis. Oainnátgo don iežat birrasa ja dan jienaid? Gulatgo, dahje dovddatgo, juoga maid don sáhtášit váldit mielde boahtteáigái ja mii du muittuhivččii du máttuid
ja duogáža? ....

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I am a snowflake falling down on the snow plate.....
I’m lying here looking on an open universe.....
I’m a small piece of the white landscape.....
I have many friends around me, but they don’t look like me, they are....
I will be here for a while, until the spring makes me to a drop of water.....
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I am a tree.....
In the right season I can feel my hands are stretching out.....
My back and my neck are straight and proud.....
My roots keeps me strong, they go deep in this soil and holds me.....
When the wind is blowing I can feel the blood is streaming thorough my....
veins. My puls is my past’s time. My green disguise makes me healthy.....
When i feel the ground is freezing over. Then it’s time to leave on a....
I don’t know where I’m going, but I know the place that I come to makes me....
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I am a river.....
Somewhere I start.....
My journey is through wooded valleys and open landscapes and ....
wooded plains and steep canyons.....
I get stronger for every meter....
I house the life, clean up and add life....
When I can taste the salt I have done my mission....
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I am a mountain, that’s always been here.....
I see people coming and going.....
I see life coming and going....
I feel old.....
But every time someone tickles my scalp I awake to life and greet them as....
my guests, show them my fantastic stretching view.....
They leave marks behind them. In the shape of innocent cairns that show....
they were here once.....
I will be here forever…. I will be here forever…..forever.....


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